Mansard roof

The space under the roof as a living space was first used in France in the 17th century. Popularized houses with a mansard roof of Francois Mansart, after whom they were named. Parisians immediately appreciated the idea, especially the opportunity to circumvent the communal law, according to which the state removed a fee for each floor, which was not an attic. Gradually, the attic fashion spread throughout the world, especially this type of architecture was liked by the inhabitants of Europe and America.

Before the Soviet era, such superstructures were unclaimed, during the existence of the superpower, SNiPs and GOSTs were developed for the arrangement of such structures, but they have received wide distribution only recently. At the same time, experts are arguing about their expediency, some cite arguments for, others refute them, prove that the savings on construction are insignificant, or even completely absent, and the concept of beauty is entirely individual.

Advantages and disadvantages of mansard roofs

According to external signs, the attic and the attic are similar, but to apply one name to another is wrong. Firstly, it is a heated room, secondly - residential, thirdly - it is brought into the project, registered as a functional part of the house, to which all the necessary communications are connected. The main feature is that the roof also serves as a roof, ceiling and walls.

The main difference between the attic floor and the attic space is the minimum height of the walls of one and a half meters, this follows from the definitions of this design in regulatory documents, for example, SNiP 2.08.02-89 Appendix 2, SP 118.13330.2012 Appendix B, SNiP 31-01-2003, from other sources.

The main advantages of this structure include:

  1. Aesthetic properties and design. The use of a higher, constructive roof, equipped with windows, gives the building a complete look, making it original.
  2. Saving on building materials. The weight of the structure is much less than the full floor, so there is no need to make a reinforced foundation.
  3. The possibility of completion. With a good foundation, you can convert the finished building, increase its living space at the expense of the attic.
  4. Construction speed Compared with the two-story buildings, the construction of the attic roof takes less time.
  5. Maximum use of space. Allows the use of empty, unexploited space.
  6. Great view. At night, you can watch the sky, during the day, the movement of clouds.

Not devoid of design and flaws, considering that developers sometimes abandon their plans for its equipment:

  1. Sloping ceilings. Reduction of the used area, it is difficult to approach a low wall, special furniture will be required for arrangement of internal space.
  2. Noise isolation. Even with the best materials, it will not be possible to completely isolate the sound from falling raindrops, hail, and the blowing wind.
  3. The cost of heating. Compared with the usual floor, the heat loss here is increased by 30-40%, which will require large heating costs in the winter period.
  4. Maintainability. The roofing pie is covered on top with a coating, on the bottom with a layer of insulation and decoration. To inspect the condition of the roof, it is necessary to dismantle the lining.
  5. Limited selection of building materials. The tree, which is part of the truss system, changes its characteristics throughout the entire period of operation; accordingly, some of the shifts transmitted to the finish are not excluded.
  6. Heat, waterproofing. For a comfortable and cozy stay you need to perform complex work on the insulation and protection from moisture.
  7. Complex device. It is problematic to carry out all the calculations correctly, to make a drawing with your own hands, you need the help of specialists.

Construction requirements

Any construction begins with the drafting of the project, which takes into account all the requirements of existing regulatory documents. Attic is no exception. When planning it, one should adhere to the provisions specified in SNiP 2.08.01-89, SNiP 21-01-97, SNiP 23-05-95, namely:

  • it is necessary to maintain the minimum height of the ceiling with different slopes of the slopes;
  • take into account the provisions for the distribution of living space, the minimum values ​​for the area of ​​rooms;
  • arrangement of a flight of stairs;
  • strict observance of norms and rules of fire safety;
  • providing natural light of the room;
  • secure wiring of all communications connecting the attic space with the rest of the house;
  • compliance with safety regulations during the work.

When designing a new house, all norms are easy to take into account, but when retrofitting an existing residential structure, it is not always possible to make a roofing space. This can not be done with insufficiently strong foundation, which is not able to withstand additional loads, as well as if for some reason it is impossible to make the ceiling height at the highest point of at least 2.5 m.

Rafter system: features, types and device design

The rafter system can be called the skeleton of any pitched roof, it is the framework for laying and holding building materials used in the arrangement of the roofing pie. For the attic floor, it also acts as a wall and floor. It depends on the strength, reliability, aesthetics and stylistic direction, the life of the entire device. Based on the structural features, among all the structures there are two main types:

  1. Hanging.
  2. Outdated.

Each individual type is characterized by its own distinctive features that are unique to it. The choice of a particular model depends on many factors, which include:

  • dimensions of the building;
  • the weight of the roofing, insulation, finishing material;
  • the presence of internal capital partitions;
  • roof geometry;
  • option of the selected building material for the rafters themselves;
  • climatic zone, atmospheric stress in the form of snow, rain, winds;
  • financial capabilities of the developer.


The type of a particular system is determined at the design stage of a building. However, the choice is easy to make, the hanging structure will be the only one option for structures that do not have internal capital walls-partitions. Their main feature is that they rely exclusively on two opposite external bearing partitions.

It is better to install the structures in a house whose distance between the side walls does not exceed 6 m. In this case, the simplest truss is constructed, consisting of two truss beams connected from above at a certain angle. Bottom horizontally, it is strengthened by puffs consisting of wooden beams. For these purposes, you can also use metal profile crossbar, which is called a cord. Such a device allows to reduce the spacer load on the reference points.

Puffs, located at the base of the rafters, serve as the ceiling of the lower floor, the attic floor. With increasing width between partitions up to 9 m, a grandmother and a collar are added to the truss, up to 14 m - an additional device of braces and a grandmother. When choosing this system, you should not forget that the entire load falls only on two points of support, therefore you should reduce the weight of the roof due to roofing materials.


This type of construction is mounted in buildings with internal bearing walls. Compared with the previous version, the device and installation of this type is much easier. In this case, the load distribution occurs uniformly on all supports. The system consists of a mauerlata (bars located on the upper end of the outer bearing walls), a horizontal log, a ridge girder mounted on vertical racks, struts, rafters and crates.

The suspension system is most often used in the construction of residential structures. It may have different designs, among which there are:

  1. Lift-free rafters without supports. Characterized by the presence of strict and free fastening. They are divided into three subspecies:
  • the lower part of the rafter is fixed strictly, the top is free;
  • the bottom of the rafter leg is fixed on the sliding elements, the top - tightly;
  • bottom - sliding, top - tightly pressed to the ridge with bars.
  1. Spacer rafter without prop. This is the average option between the naval and hanging roofing, where the ridge does not fully perform its functions.
  2. Rafters with braces. These are both of the above views, with retaining elements supporting the rafter legs.
  3. With subrafter beams. In this scheme, the ridge is completely absent. This option is suitable for buildings with two bearing partitions located inside.

Materials for the manufacture of truss system

For the construction of the truss system the number of materials used in the work is limited. You can choose between metal and wood, combine both types of raw materials. Also there are reinforced concrete structures, but they are not used in the construction of suburban buildings. Most developers prefer natural wood. It is easier to work with it, it is an environmentally friendly product.

Wooden rafters can be called a classic look. For their manufacture uses solid logs, boards, glued laminated timber. When choosing, it is advisable to pay attention to the quality of wood, as well as to the fact that coniferous trees are cut down in winter, hardwood in summer. Experts recommend purchasing the following species: larch, oak, pine, spruce. The first two types are the most durable, but difficult to handle.

A very important point is the grade of the tree. For mauerlat, lezhne, ridge girder it is best to use oak or larch of the highest quality. Rafter legs, racks can be made from coniferous options, both the first and second grade, and even the third one is suitable for struts. When calculating building materials of a standard system, 75% is usually allocated for wood of the first grade, 25% for the second grade.

All wooden blanks are divided into three main types: raw, semi-dry, dry. Experts recommend that only the last option be chosen for installation work, which will help avoid subsequently deformation of the component parts.

Also for the construction of a private structure using metal. Most often, it is resorted to, if necessary, to organize overlapping with a length of 10 meters. In this case, the wooden bar is replaced with a profile tube. The elements are joined by welding. There are combined options when the bed, mauerlat, ridge girder, racks are made of metal, all other parts of wood.

Elements of mansard roof structures

The structure of each roof is different, it all depends on the purpose of the roofing space. First of all, takes into account the seasonal use of the attic. The most complete roofing cake is constructed in the case when the room will be used constantly. It includes the following components:

  1. Roofing building material: metal tile, corrugated board, flexible bituminous, composite, natural, ceramic, cement-sand tile.
  2. Ventilation system: natural, forced, forced and extractor, combined.
  3. Waterproofing: perforated film, polymer film-membranes, polymer-bitumen coating.
  4. Thermal insulation layer: mineral wool, polystyrene foam plates, polyurethane foam, ecowool.
  5. Vapor barrier: monolayer, multilayer, reflective films.
  6. Interior finish: drywall, wall paneling, block house, MDF panels, multilayer plywood, PVC panels, other materials.

Each of these layers is very important, without them it is impossible to equip a comfortable living space, decorate the interior, make a beautiful exterior cladding. All these elements are mounted on the rafter system, which consists of: power plate, ridge girder, support posts, battens, counter-grilles, shallow, rafters, struts.

Mounting technology

For an inexperienced developer who does not know all the nuances, it is quite difficult to prepare a project, draw a drawing, indicating all the necessary. Even experienced architects and builders who are familiar with such a construct, can make a mistake. Violation of technology, the slightest inaccuracy in the organization of the ventilation system, hydro, thermal insulation, will lead to irreparable consequences, will be the reason for the implementation of costly repairs.

Having firmly decided to build a house with a mansard roof, you should first familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents, study the design features of such structures, correctly plan, make the calculation of the truss system, select the most suitable materials used for work, and also look at ready-made examples. If there is no complete confidence in their own knowledge and skills, it is better to seek help from specialists who either do the job themselves or help the owner with advice.

Project preparation

Any serious construction activities begin with the design. This issue should be treated responsibly, it depends on the strength, functionality, aesthetics, durability of the structure. In drawing up the plan, it is necessary to rely on the applicable rules and regulations, namely: SNiP 2.08.02-89, SP 20.13330.2016 (SNIP 2.01.07-85), SNiP 23-05-95, SNiP 21-01-97, SP 70.13330 .2012. Given these documents, make up a project that includes:

  1. Diagram of the truss system with the display of all elements.
  2. Layout plan for hydro, steam, and heat insulation.
  3. Drawing indicating the placement of roofing materials.
  4. Type of interior decoration.
  5. General drawing of the roofing pie, indicating the angle of the slope, the height of the roof.
  6. Sketch with the arrangement of the windows to ensure natural lighting.
  7. Placement of drainpipes, ventilation, chimney.
  8. Laying artificial lighting.
  9. Heating system.
  10. Sewer communications, eyeliner pipes and drain.
  11. Internal space layout.

Calculation of truss system

When designing the attic floor is very important to avoid mistakes. It is necessary to correctly calculate the truss system, which depends on the type of construction, materials used in the work, including finishing materials. The easiest way to do the necessary calculations with the help of special programs, download them online, using online projects. Such actions can be done with your own hands, for this you need to consider the following points:

  • determine the type of structure: hanging, naslonny;
  • know the length and width of the building;
  • to assess the level of seasonal precipitation; to do this, it is enough to drive a query into any search engine: a specific region of precipitation map; the angle of inclination of the roof will depend on this parameter;
  • determine the wind load (by analogy with the previous version);
  • distance between parts.

Online calculators posted on the Internet do not completely solve the problem. It is difficult to verify the results obtained independently, to make sure that they are reliable. Only experienced engineers can perform the calculations. You can try it yourself, but to calculate the parameters you should be familiar with the exact methods, for example, with SNiP II-25-80, TCP 45-5.05-146-2009.

Manufacturing frame

For clarity, consider a small master class on installing a broken roof. The whole process is step by step as follows:

  1. Roofing material is rolled on the end part of the bearing walls.
  2. Along the entire perimeter of the structure, a timber is installed on top of the waterproofing layer, which is a mauerlat, is fixed to the partition using anchors.
  3. Overlapping beams, consisting of three boards, two of which are equal in width to the same building parameter, and one of them is 1 meter wider, protruding from each side beyond the walls by 0.5 m, are knocked down.
  4. Downed logs are stacked on the span with a gap of 0.5 m, on both sides attached to the power plate with screws and metal corners.
  5. At the level of the mauerlat, the support beams along the two partitions are strictly perpendicularly installed and fixed onto the floor beams. Elements located on parallel partitions with upper ends are interconnected by a board.
  6. The protruding boards of the floor joists are connected to the upper ends of the support beams at a certain angle with the help of stitches, metal plates are used for fixing.
  7. On top of the stitches, waterproofing is laid, on top of which the counter grille and the crate are located.
  8. From above on the center of a design place the fad at the necessary height for ensuring the corresponding tilt angle.
  9. The installation of rafters, which are joined together over the ridge girder.
  10. Next, perform the actions described in paragraph 7.
  11. Begin to form the front. To do this, install the removal, fixed on one side to the nearest beam ceiling, in the middle to the front mauerlatu. The distance between them and the protrusion beyond the wall is 0.5 m.
  12. На выносы устанавливаются фронтальные стойки с учетом планируемого посередине окна.
  13. Следующим этапом станет обшивка каркаса кровельными материалами.

Утепление и пароизоляция

After installing the truss system, the outer lathing and the counter grille, they proceed to the insulation of the structure. Experts recommend the use of mineral wool, which blends well with the tree, permits moisture, allows the wood to breathe. Also for these purposes use polystyrene plates, polyurethane foam, ecowool. The thickness of the layer is usually in the range of 20-25 cm, but sometimes reaches 30 cm. The installation of the insulation material is as follows:

  1. From the material selected for the work, parts of corresponding size are cut out.
  2. Insulation is installed between the rafters.
  3. If the width of the truss legs is not enough, the top lattice is tipped on top, the second level of thermal insulation materials is laid.
  4. Top mineral wool covered with vapor barrier. To do this, use a single-layer, multilayer, reflective films.
  5. A crate is nailed on top of the construction.
  6. Perform interior decoration of plasterboard, MDF, PVC, other building materials.

Installation of the batten

Roofing pie has a rather complicated system. Contra-lattice and obreshetka are very important components of the overall design. The first element is a fairly thin counter-racks, which are responsible for providing the roof with ventilation, the second is the basis for fixing the roof covering and finishing material.

Exterior installation work begins after laying a layer of waterproofing on rafter legs. Installing counter-rails does not cause difficulties, they are attached with the same step as the rafters. Over fixed the lattice. Depending on the building material used for coating, it is disposed of in two ways:

  1. Solid. Boards are laid close to each other. This option is used for shingles, corrugated.
  2. Sparse. The distance between the bars is 50 - 60 cm. It is suitable for slate and tile.

Finishing options

When choosing a suitable roofing material take into account several points: aesthetic, functional. On the one hand, it is necessary to emphasize the design of the building, its style, on the other - to ensure reliable protection of the roofing pie from precipitation. It also takes into account the weight of the coating, its durability. Manufacturers of building materials produce many different options that meet different customer requirements, among which are:

  • Metal tile and professional flooring. In fact, it is a steel sheet with a different texture, covered with several additional layers: zinc, anti-corrosion, primer, polymer, protective. This material is in demand when finishing private houses with attic.
  • Soft roof. For work use shingles (shingles), roll coverings, membranes. These building materials easily take the desired shape, are not subject to corrosion. The term of operation reaches 50 years.
  • Copper roof. This is the most expensive option of all. Its service life is 150-200 years. It does not need repair and maintenance.
  • Natural (ceramic, cement-sand) tiles. This material slowly heats up and cools down, which ensures the preservation of heat in the winter, and coolness in the summer. It is characterized by good sound insulation.

Mansard Roof Types

The main types of mansard designs differ from each other in design features. They can be divided into two large groups - one-level and two-level. The first ones are combined with a roof of any type (broken, double-slope), the second ones are mounted on mixed supports, intended for rooms at different levels.

Single bar

The simple device of the roof due to the lack of ridge and difficulties with its arrangement. Such designs have a non-standard look. On the opposite walls of different heights mount the mauerlat and fix the beams, a bevel is formed with a tilt angle of 30-45 ° С. It can’t be done less, because there can be difficulties with outflow of snow, rainwater, which will lead to additional load on the supports.

A sloped roof allows for the installation of large windows on the high wall of the attic floor. The simple and low-cost design has several significant drawbacks. The room from the side of the narrowing will be inconvenient to use, there will be restrictions in the choice of its purpose. Before you choose this option for construction, you must consider the efficiency of the use of the room.

For the construction of a shed roof will require several rafters. They are laid on the walls in 1 meter increments. Between them lay insulation and waterproofing material. Correct installation - a guarantee of reducing heat costs to a minimum.


The most common, economical version of the roof. It is easy to install and maintain. The traditional form - dvukhskatnaya flat, suitable for single-storey construction, has the appearance of a classic triangle.

Due to the design features - the presence of slopes from two sides, there are difficulties with the interior decoration in the living room (it is impossible to locate high furniture, a feeling of squeezing). To solve the problem will help rational use of corners, for example, for a bed or a change of plan at the initial stage of construction - raising the truss system to the desired height.

Broken line

Each ramp is made of two parts, fastened together at a certain angle. Such a break can make the attic room comfortable. The same size of the base of the house and the broken roof allow you to increase by 50% the living space of the attic floor, in contrast to the simple dual slope construction.

Useful area increases the lower parts, a steep tip reduces the cost of roofing materials. High ceilings in rooms under such a roof give a feeling of freedom and space.

The design of the broken roof is complicated because it requires the creation of a massive truss frame. It is more suitable for square houses. Particular attention should be paid to drawing up a drawing. The accuracy and reliability of the broken roof will depend on the accuracy of the calculations made. Consider the following factors:

  • Weight of roofing material;
  • Load insulation components;
  • Step of crates, rafters;
  • Weight lattice design and kontrlatki;
  • Slope angle;
  • The length of the slopes from the ridge to the eaves;
  • Probable loads (seasonal, temporary and other).

With remote consoles

A popular variant of the mansard roof, despite the complexity of the design. The main advantage is the ability to expand the space by shifting to the edge of one side of the room. The design allows you to push the outer vertical wall outside the facade and make it big windows.

In addition to the advantages, roofs with remote consoles have significant drawbacks - the complexity of installation, high costs of building materials. On the one hand, there is a large pitched plane, and on the other, there are already two of them. Under the wide ledge you can make a carport or a porch, a covered terrace.


In houses with a high roof, more than 5 meters, it is possible to equip a multi-level platform on the attic floor. It can be two separate rooms connected by a staircase, a large studio with steps, a dressing room of several compartments.

Separately, such a superstructure does not. Two-level rooms must be planned in advance, even at the design stage, always taking into account the peculiarities of the foundation. The scheme of the truss system is complicated, it is developed taking into account the asymmetric arrangement of the slopes.

Especially, it is necessary to make calculations for the second level of the attic, since it will rely on the columns. Taking advantage of the panoramic lighting of such structures, you can create in the attic greenhouses, winter gardens.

Multiple roof

It differs from the standard versions by the presence of several gables (3 or more). The roof looks presentable and massive, thanks to several departments, especially if the decoration corresponds to the style architectural solution.

The multi-tip system consists of separate slopes connected in one design. Part of the wall between the slopes is called a gable. In ordinary mansard roofs there are only two. Products from several gables can be of varying complexity and are made in different variations. A place for an extension can be set aside, part of the wall for a panoramic window is enlarged.

Installation of such a roof is complicated and expensive. Building materials will require much more than building a standard system. Due to the large spare area, a complex configuration remains a large number of scraps and remnants of roofing materials. But such negative points more than compensate for the following advantages of multi-tong systems:

  • High bearing capacity;
  • High resistance to external influences (gust of wind, snowfall, bright sun);
  • Ease of maintenance. Because of the large slope of the slopes, rainwater and garbage do not linger on them;
  • High horse. Ability to arrange living rooms under it.


The roof system has four ramps. They may be identical in type hip roof, pairwise identical. In the first case, it will not be possible to provide daylight access through standard window designs; installation of attic openings and anti-aircraft lamps will be required.

Designing any type of hipped roof must be approached responsibly. The structures have many junction points, they require solid walls and a solid foundation. Depending on the design of the cottage, features of the site design, choose the type of roof of the main building.


Such a roof consists of two pairs of trapezoidal and triangular ramps. The ridge at the top is 2 times shorter or by 3/4 than the house itself. The design will be durable and outwardly attractive with proper design and compliance with certain requirements for membranes and timber.

Hip, poluvalmovaya roof has an interesting structure, which has a positive effect on the perception of the ceiling inside the room. He seems taller. The advantage of the hip roof is as follows:

  • Visually increases the internal space, leaving the view from the facade unchanged;
  • Ability to create panoramic lighting;
  • Resistance to winds due to the particular shape of the slopes;
  • The design of increased rigidity is durable and safe.


It is built above the structure with equilateral bearing walls, with a square type of foundation. All ramps are the same size. The main difference of such a roof is the complete absence of the ridge. Its function is performed by the central support, at the top of which the rafters are closed. Hip roof is performed in different versions, but all types must have ladders, mauerlat, sled, vertical upright, rafters.

The absence of gables reduces the design cost of the structure; there is no need to load the foundation. There is a uniform heating of the roof and waste melt water. Among the shortcomings can be distinguished complex truss system. Any node of a large number of elements may lose stability.


The original, unconventional solution has a lot of advantages associated not only with the external characteristics. Correctly located slopes solve the issues of energy saving, compactness, saving building materials. Such roofs are erected above incomplete upper floors and attic floors, the area of ​​which is less than the first level.

The stylish, original design is convenient and easy to design. Such a house can be linked to any terrain and landscape design. On the attic floor under the asymmetric roofing it is convenient to install the process equipment - ventilation systems, heating, solar panels. The following types of roofs are popular:

  • Normal asymmetric;
  • Partially broken;
  • With a ridge in the center;
  • With skate offset.

With the "cuckoo"

A small ledge on the attic floor - "cuckoo", has its own architectural system. The element is connected with the main roof, covered with the same roof. Before including it in the project, you should be convinced of this need, because it will reduce the strength of the truss system, and may cause water to penetrate the attic.

"Cuckoo" on the roof performs not only decorative functions. The design makes it possible to add one or more windows, increases the practicality of the room. Additional space can be used for any domestic purposes. Such an extension can be made with your own hands in the following variations:

  • Arched;
  • Hip;
  • With one or two ramps.


The sequence of construction of the L-shaped roof will differ depending on the width of the gables and their compatibility with each other. The construction system consists of two dual-sided roofs crashing into each other. They connect at an angle of 90 ° C in the most complex node.

The roof of the L-shaped building can be of varying complexity. The end walls of a simple construction have the same width; the gables of a complex structure have different dimensions. The process of joining in this case complicates the different height of the skates. Often such roofs are made broken, with different heights of the gable halves.

Using CIP panels for roof

Formation of a roof over a mansard from the VULTURE panels - the most convenient way. According to the project, created with this technique in mind, the roof will not need to be further warmed. For the exterior can use any material. The roof in any case will be strong and flat.

If you have the right tool and certain skills, it is easy to build a simple roof with your own hands or a complex configuration, with several windows, skates of various sizes. A warm roof of CIP panels can dramatically improve living conditions in an existing building.

When drafting a project, it is necessary to take into account possible difficulties in the construction of the structure. The roof will have many joints, which can adversely affect its strength. Due to the large number of residual constructs, financial spending will increase. To create the supporting frameworks will require more timber and other auxiliary material.

Design: interior decoration of the attic floor

To create a budget, functional interior on the attic, you can use different materials. More often walls are sheathed by gypsum plasterboard, clapboard, plywood. Modern design allows you to make a room above the main house in any architectural directions.

The interior design of the attic will depend on the purpose of the room. If the house is built of wood, the interior should be of the same material. Eco style - the most winning option. It is possible to retool a simple attic under any room. From the upper floor you will get a well-lit study, a spacious dressing room, a rest room, and a playroom for children.

The usual high furniture for the attic will not work. It should be only the most necessary items. Bulky sofas will look ridiculous in a room with low ceilings. Good look modular designs, low poufs.


Attic roof has both advantages and disadvantages. During the drafting of the project it is necessary to take into account all the nuances in order to finally be convinced of its necessity. Just remodel the attic will not be enough, it needs to be rescheduled, to make a reliable roof and thermal insulation.

Watch the video: Vampire Weekend - Mansard Roof Album (April 2024).

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