Balcony floor from what to do

Balcony, many use to store the necessary and sometimes unclaimed things. It rarely think about how to elevate this place. The design of the site begins with the idea, the choice of the appropriate style, drawing up the scheme, the selection of materials for wall decoration and flooring. One of the most important operations is the arrangement of the floor on the balcony, the alignment of its surface, the laying of tiles, linoleum, and other building materials.

Having decided to repair, first of all it is necessary to determine the state of the external structure. For old houses, the terrace is a weak point, since precipitation is constantly falling on the concrete, which leads to its destruction. In this case, you need to carefully and carefully treat the additional loads that may occur during construction, to maximize the object in question.

Features of the floors on the balcony

The balcony slab is connected to the bearing wall of the building from one side only, less often from two (angular design options), the rest of it is not secured in any way. This situation makes the site very limited to loads, which affects the choice of finishes, materials for flooring. Overhaul requires a detailed study of the state of the platform. To perform such work is impossible without special engineering skills.

The choice of the alignment method, as well as the finish coating, depends not only on the plan of the homeowners, but also on the specifics of the architectural element and the features of its operation. If it is permissible for the loggia to level the floors with an ordinary screed, then on the balcony such a foundation will create a huge load, so before carrying out this kind of work it will be necessary not only to repair the plate, but also to strengthen it. Also, when leveling the floor, you must follow certain rules:

  • It is unacceptable to apply a thick layer of screed, as well as laying cement on top of the old coating;
  • When leveling with a wet method, it is necessary to prevent possible leakage of the solution;
  • On a unglazed balcony should provide a small slope of the plate to 5 ° to ensure the flow of water;
  • For open constructions, it is better to use frost-resistant linoleum or ceramic tile as a finishing floor;
  • In the glazed areas often used wooden frame, covered with parquet, laminate and other materials.

The minimum layer of the screed is 2-2.5 cm, with the addition of waterproofing it will increase to 3.5 cm, and if a thermal insulation layer is provided, its thickness will be 5 cm (platform 2 m long and 1 m wide will increase its weight by 250 kg). Considering such loads, without the involvement of specialists it is simply dangerous to do the work yourself

Types of screeds, their features and manufacturing techniques do it yourself

There are several ways in which you can level the floor. In some cases, it is enough to carry out a facelift of the plate, and sometimes you just cannot do without applying cement mortar or installing wooden lags. Work always begins with the preparation of the surface, checking it for cracks, potholes. Special attention should be paid to the line of contact between the slab and the bearing wall of the building.

For open balconies that are not protected from temperature extremes, precipitation, requires a coating with frost-resistant characteristics, resistant to moisture. For glazed structures protected from wind, rain, snow, the requirements for the coupler are much softer. Here you can use the entire list, which includes such types of alignment as:

  • wet screed;
  • self-leveling (self-leveling floor);
  • dry;
  • semi-dry;
  • on adjustable lags.

Regardless of the degree of security of the balcony, any design requires a waterproofing layer, which can be made by installing a roll material, applying a special primer to the concrete surface, and coating compositions. Such protection will not allow to pass, absorb moisture. It is not always advisable to install a thermal insulation layer for unglazed rooms, unlike closed terraces, which do not make sense to glaze without such additions.

"Wet screed" - advantages, disadvantages and technology of pouring

This method is chosen if it is necessary to level the base, give it the required slope, while rarely the task is to warm the room, raise the level of the floor. For a platform with small damages and differences not exceeding 3 cm, it is possible to use a self-leveling floor, elimination of significant defects and irregularities is carried out by applying a layer of cement-sand mortar, whose thickness should be within 3-5 cm, if the layer is thinner, the screed can crack, a thick layer will lead to overload.

Surface leveling with a wet screed refers to the simplest, low-cost method. The disadvantages of coating include a lot of weight, which not all balcony ceilings can withstand, as well as a long time for the solution to dry (10-14 days).

Step by step the process of applying a wet screed is as follows:

  1. The first stage of work will be the preparation of the foundation. We clean it of exfoliating parts of the material, flows, then close up the cracks. If the plate is already covered with a tie, which is unsuitable for use, we dismantle it and carefully knock it down with a perforator. After that, the surface is cleaned of debris, dust, degreased.
  2. The next step will be applying a layer of waterproofing mixture, mastic, film, which should protrude along the edges of not less than 10 cm upwards. For open balconies, a thermal insulation layer is not needed, but for glazed structures it is simply necessary. Therefore, the next step will be the installation of thermal insulation. To do this, you can use solid sheet products, such as foam plastics, polyurethane or bulk - expanded clay, slag. The thickness of the layer should be at least 5 cm.
  3. Some owners who prefer to use this room with comfort in the winter season install a floor heating system. For a wet screed, this design can be performed in two ways: water, electric. For the first option, the water loop tubes are located directly in the screed, for the second, under the floor covering, over the screed.
  4. Having decided on one or another variant of insulation, warm floor, proceed to the next step, the installation of reinforcing mesh. It is better to give preference to it, and not to bars of reinforcement, which will only increase the already large load. Next, install the formwork (on the open plates), then expose the beacons on the level, fix with the solution. The distance between them should not exceed 50 cm.
  5. After completing the preparatory work, proceed to the preparation of the solution. The ratio of cement and sand in it should be 1: 3. These components are mixed in a dry form, manually or mechanically, after which water is added until a solution is obtained that resembles thick sour cream in consistency (using 2 liters of water per 10 kg of mixture). To improve the quality, increase the frost resistance threshold, we use a plasticizer, which can be either liquid or powder.
  6. The mixture is poured onto the prepared surface, after which, using the rule, we make a tie, pull it in one direction. Cleaning beacons optional, remove the formwork in 1-2 days. After the solution hardens, we remove the nodules with the sharp side of the rule. To prevent the screed from cracking, periodically moisten it with water on top, cover with plastic wrap.

Semi-dry screed - pros, cons and installation

This is a more perfect look. The secret of the solution lies in special additives, namely plasticizers and fiberglass. These components make the structure more elastic, prevent cracking. The screed has a lower weight, it dries within 12 hours, the flooring can be laid after 4 days. Among the shortcomings is the complexity of the technology. It is almost impossible to get the right mix by hand; you will need special equipment for mixing that is not available to the home specialist. Laying such a screed is as follows:

  1. When carrying out repairs, replacing the old coating, we dismantle all layers to the ground.
  2. The surface is thoroughly cleaned from debris and dust. We clean all irregularities with an emery paper, and cover the damaged areas with a non-shrinking cement mortar.
  3. Next, we make laying waterproofing from high-quality polyethylene film, not less than 100 microns.
  4. Only high-quality material is used for thermal insulation: polystyrene plates are smooth or with formatted columns, foam plastic covered with polyethylene film.
  5. The limitation in the types of thermal insulation is due to the absence of a reinforcing layer and the need to install a floor heating system with fixing the tubes directly to the insulation.
  6. To install the beacons put forward stringent requirements, it is recommended to use the factory versions (T-profile).
  7. For the manufacture of mortar used Portland cement, brand not lower than M-400 and sifted sand, in the ratio 1: 3. It is also necessary to add fiberglass in the amount of 0.6 kg per m³ of solution, 10 g of plasticizer per 1 kg of cement, and water of 0.7 l per 10 kg.
  8. After laying the solution, it is compacted, leveled by the rule.

Such a coating can be mounted exclusively on a glazed, insulated balcony. This is due to the fact that the semi-dry mixture, even after solidification, is afraid of water. When moisture enters, there is a high probability of cement crystallization, which will lead to a significant decrease in structural strength.

Dry floor screed - the advantages and disadvantages of laying technology

One of the best options for arranging coverage. The design performs several functions at once - it warms the floor, at the same time leveling it. Installation is quick, after which you can immediately begin to install floor finishes. At the same time, in a free-flowing layer, in addition to a warm floor system, it is easy to place communications and wiring. This arrangement is not suitable for unglazed balconies. If moisture enters the dry mixture, it can smell like mold, which will necessitate its replacement. Installation of such an alignment is as follows:

  1. As in the previous cases, we start the work by preparing the base, remove debris, dust, gloss over the cracks with cement mortar.
  2. The first layer is laid sound insulation in the form of edging tape that will help get rid of the noise. Then install a waterproofing film.
  3. If it is necessary to install a warm floor of water type, we put on the waterproofing layer a profile expanded polystyrene, on top of which we install water contour tubes. Installation of electric infrared film occurs after the installation of plates OSB, GVL, DSP.
  4. In the next step, we set up beacons using a U-shaped profile.
  5. We fall asleep expanded clay, align the surface with the rule, after the beacons are removed.
  6. Gypsum fiber cement sheets are laid on the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wooden floor

Under the force of a classic wooden floor, almost anyone with minimal skills in working with wood can perform it. In this case, the frame does not create a large load on the slab, allows you to raise, warm the floor. The installation process consists in making the batten covered on top with slabs or boards. Wood does not tolerate moisture, is a breeding ground for all sorts of pests, fungi, microorganisms.

Consider the order of work:

  1. We clean the surface, lay a layer of waterproofing.
  2. Racks require a flat base. On top of the waterproofing layer we lay the bars of 50x50 mm, fasten to the base with dowels, the distance between them is 40-50 cm. If you need to increase the height of the floor, change the size of the bars, stack them on each other, lay the transverse boards on the longitudinal or among themselves screws.
  3. Between the lags we lay insulation using materials such as mineral wool, expanded clay, extruded polystyrene foam.
  4. We cover logs with boards, plywood, plates OSB, TsSP, GVL.
  5. Getting to the implementation of the final finish.
  6. Warm floor water and electric type is installed on top of a layer of insulation, before closing the lag plates.

The choice of flooring: their features and characteristics

When arranging the balcony, it is important to choose high-quality finishing materials so that you do not have to carry out repair work in the season that is inconvenient for this process and in an uncomfortable atmosphere. The flooring must fully comply with the type of room. You can create a truly attractive design, given all the features - the need for warming, resistance to precipitation, temperature extremes. Choose the right material from a huge list of options.

Ceramic tile

One of the best options for the floor on the balcony, which is exposed to an aggressive environment, is not heated, does not have glazing. The composition of the material includes sand, clay, water. Strong, durable elements come in several types. Preference is better to ceramics with a single roasting. Affordable material has the following advantages:

  • Easy to handle. It can be cut as a specialized tool, and amateur;
  • A large variety of shapes, colors, types of coatings, which allows you to create a special interior on the balcony;
  • Good performance characteristics - abrasion resistance, frost resistance;
  • Aesthetic appeal. You can create an original design using Gress, Cotto, clinker ceramics.

Buying a tile for the floor, you should take it with a margin. If the elements are not enough, products from another batch may not be suitable in color, which will spoil the overall look. For a small loggia it is better to use tiles of large sizes. The smaller the seams, the more spacious the room will appear. Of the minuses - the floor will be constantly cold.

Porcelain stoneware

The material belongs to the category of the most durable coatings for the balcony. Ceramic tiles can be covered with any open surface in the most severe climatic conditions. It has no porous structure, has a maximum density. The material withstands considerable loads for many years, without reducing functional, aesthetic qualities.

With the help of granite balcony can be turned into a full room. The material can imitate natural stone, leather, wood, mosaic. In the manufacture of products subjected to high-temperature firing, which increases their characteristics. The disadvantages include high cost and high weight.


One of the most affordable types of coatings. Making laying on the balcony is easy with your own hands. The material is very popular due to ease of care and a large list of positive characteristics. Properly laid flooring on a concrete slab protects well against the penetration of dust and moisture. In order for the floor covering on the balcony to keep its original appearance for a long time, you should choose a suitable material that fully meets the needs of the room. Pay attention to the following types of it:

  • Glyphthalic The coating applied to the fabric has good sound insulation and keeps the floor warm. It can only be laid on heated balconies, because at low temperatures the material cracks;
  • Kolloksilinovy. It has no reinforcement, therefore it is very thin and elastic, it has high moisture resistance. It has a characteristic shine, thanks to the nitrocellulose in the composition. It is suitable only for glazed balconies, because its device does not allow the material to withstand temperatures above 35 degrees;
  • Rubber based. It will be appropriate on the open balcony. The material does not absorb moisture, easy to clean. It is not recommended to use this type of finish in regions with severe winters. In severe frost, cracks can form;
  • PVC based. The most popular and reasonable option for a balcony. You can cover them with both open and closed spaces. This is a waterproof, lightweight, resilient and aesthetic option.


The choice of quality coating will depend on the service life and wear. The floor on the balcony of laminate should be strong, so it is better to give preference to its special classes (31 and above). It is possible to lay a covering in a warm room, with high-quality double-glazed windows, insulated railings, walls, partitions.

The basis of the laminate - chipboard, covered with paper with a characteristic pattern and a protective resin layer with an acrylic structure. Laying on the balcony should occur only on a special substrate. Its purpose - smoothing irregularities, protection from moisture, the removal of excess noise.


Can be used on the glazed and open balcony. There are many types of floor carpet, so choose it as a floor should be after studying the features of each. The material from natural raw materials retains heat, soft and pleasant to the touch. Стелить его лучше в помещении с хорошими стеклопакетами, когда лоджия используется как кабинет, зона отдыха.If laundry is often dried on the balcony, flower beds are organized, the floor should be made of rubber-based artificial carpet. Its density and wear resistance are as follows:

  • Nylon. Practical, resistant to deformation. Easy to clean, retains color and texture for a long time;
  • Polyester It has a long nap and a characteristic shine, resistant to bacteria and fungi;
  • With polypropylene fiber. On the balcony it is better to lay the material that has undergone special processing (supram, terclone);
  • Acrylic. Does not absorb moisture, easy to clean.


Natural material has all the necessary characteristics for flooring on the balcony. It is quite expensive, but if the budget allows, it is better to spend a couple of squares of oak, ash and maple parquet. There are many options for sizes, which allows you to select the appropriate elements to the overall style of the room.

Parquet is not rational to use on the open balcony. It will last much longer in a dry and warm room. Of the minuses can be noted the complexity of self-styling, the need for processing. It will have to be periodically updated with the help of varnishing, puttying, grinding, painting.


Natural wooden floorboards are often used as flooring on balconies and loggias. This is the best option for rooms without heating. Visually attractive material has a low thermal conductivity, will fit perfectly into any interior.

With the help of wood, you can align some defects of the balcony plate. The boardwalk on the logs will raise the floor to the level inside the room, hide the unevenness of the base. With the help of any wooden structure you can make high-quality insulation. The material can even be used on old balconies, with dilapidated concrete slabs. Light wood will not load them. All defects inherent in the material, it is easy to eliminate with the help of flame retardants, paints, antiseptics, painting and varnishing.

Cork floor

The raw material for the manufacture of cork coating is crushed bark. The main advantage of such a floor is naturalness and environmental friendliness. In the process of manufacturing the material goes through several stages of processing. The finished cork floor has good vapor permeability, has excellent thermal insulation properties, absorbs noise, quickly becomes the original shape during deformation, but is not cheap. Cons - rapid abrasion. The following types of material are used as floor coverings:

  • Tile. It happens floating and glue. The elements look like tile or parquet. The service life in a room with a small cross - up to 10 years;
  • The panels. Thick parts, 4 mm thick. They come in different shapes and sizes, have a natural woody color;
  • Canvas. With it, you can make a smooth seamless floor.

Self-leveling floor

Durable reliable material can serve as an independent, and even a rough coating. It can later be finished with laminate, ceramic tiles, floorboard. It is indispensable on open balconies. Self-gravity blends consist of polymers, mineral fillers, binding components. The following factors influence the choice of floor:

  1. Climatic parameters. For open terraces, balconies should use a hydrophobic frost-resistant mixture;
  2. Design features. For balconies with limited load, you should choose lightweight self-leveling materials. They consist of cement and crushed claydite;
  3. Operating conditions. In rooms with a large dynamic, static load, it is better to use durable cement, cement-plaster compositions.


The easiest option to finish the floor on the balcony. On the concrete slab, you can just walk a few times with paint for exterior work. Such coverage will last up to 3 years. When choosing it, one should take into account that it will not be durable, since it is not designed for loads, pressures.

You will need to paint the floor of the finishing board. It is better to use paint for external use of the corresponding shade. Before starting to apply the mixture, wooden floors should be treated with a primer, and hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the exposed areas with resin. For the floor on the balcony, you can use alkyd, silicone, water-emulsion, latex coloring compositions.

Tips for choosing a floor by type of balcony

Choose material for the floor should be based on its characteristics and features. It should be durable, high-quality, easy to install and repair, fairly easy. You should also consider the condition of the bearing plates of the balcony. If they have lost their strength over the years, you should not overload them. Any material from the extensive list will retain its original appearance and properties only with proper operation.

For open balcony

It is possible to protect the cement coating from the destructive moisture by applying any topcoat. On such a balcony will not accumulate dust and debris. For open-air balconies, it is necessary to form an inclined layer from the wall. This will ensure free flow of water. External finishing work is best done with the following materials:

  • Enamels and paints;
  • Self-leveling floor;
  • Decking;
  • Ceramic tile;
  • Porcelain stoneware.

For glazed / warm balcony

For a glazed balcony with heating, the choice of materials is much easier. You can cover it with expensive, decorative materials for floor decoration. To last longer, the flooring should be separated from the concrete screed with at least a sheet of plywood. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam is suitable as a heater. You can also use an electric floor. The finish can be any, even the most unusual for such a room:

  • Carpet;
  • Parquet;
  • Laminate;
  • Cork coating;
  • Linoleum of any type.


Having made a firm decision to improve your balcony, it is necessary to think over the repair plan in detail, perform a thorough analysis of the protruding overlap, determine the type of screed, the material for the flooring. For open designs, the choice of raw materials is limited. In glazed rooms with thermal insulation and a warm floor system, almost any finish can be used. It is possible to make repairs both independently and to resort to the help of experts.

Watch the video: MULTIPANEL INSTALLATION GUIDE - Waterproof Balcony Substrate System (April 2024).

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