Recommendations for choosing a color solution for the bedroom

The bedroom is a place where it is especially important to create an atmosphere of comfort, relaxation and comfort. Here we rest, and it is necessary that the color of the room contributes to this rest, and not provoke tension or anxiety.

In order to choose the right color, it is necessary to imagine how certain colors act on the human nervous system, what feelings and sensations cause. Properly selected color scheme will help to establish sleep, which ultimately will have a positive effect on health and performance.

Combinations of colors and shades

It is known that the selection of color combinations can correct the defects of the room, for example, visually raise the ceiling, "push" the walls, create a feeling of spaciousness or vice versa, reduce the room, add heat or coolness. In addition, some combinations can have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calm and harmonize, while others have a stimulating effect. All this must be considered when choosing a color for the bedroom.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the colors of a warm or cold gamut to use.

  • The warm part of the spectrum is from red to yellow with all intermediate shades - they are usually used in rooms with windows facing north and northeast.
  • The colors of the opposite part of the spectrum, from blue to violet, are considered to be cold; they are used in rooms facing the south and south-west.

Difficult colors, such as green, violet, can relate to both cold and warm, depending on the additional tones that make up their composition. Blue-green and blue-violet are cool colors, but yellow-green and red-violet are warm. Black, white and gray are considered neutral, and do not carry either a “warm” or “cold” component.

Warm colors have the ability to visually reduce the room, cold, on the contrary, slightly expand it. Designers use it in the design of interiors, approximating or distancing certain parts in order to create the maximum decorative effect.

For example, a suitable color for a small bedroom is white-blue. White furniture will look good against the background of blue walls, on which there can be contrasting inserts of blue color. Bed linen in this case can also be white - this will ease the interior and visually enlarge the room.

Color harmony

In design there is such a thing as color harmony. The color itself and the same color in the neighborhood with a different color may look different. In some combinations it will be expressive, and in others - faded. Harmonious is a combination of colors in which everyone looks the most impressive. Harmony of colors can be built on the principle of nuance or contrast.

Nuance. Harmony based on the nuances of one color is achieved using similar colors or shades of one color. Usually it is soft, pastel colors. If one color is used, then surfaces with different saturations are combined. For example, the surface of the walls is light beige and the furniture is dark brown. Usually nuanced harmony is used in rooms of small size.

Contrast. You can choose the color for the bedroom, based on the principles of contrasting harmony. Combine contrasting colors, no more than three in one room, in order not to create an excessive strain on the eyes and not to tire the nervous system. As a rule, use two contrasting colors - as the main and additional, with the possible addition of the third as an accent. As a main-additional pair, you can use, for example:

  • blue - orange
  • blue yellow
  • White black

In this case, you can take both these colors and their shades.

Tip: When choosing color combinations, you will be helped by fan-pantones with samples of color shades that are available in every shop selling paint, as well as in designers' workshops. On them it is easy to determine which shades will be well combined with each other, and which should be avoided. For the same purposes, you can use computer programs developed for designers and artists.

Feng Shui

Each of the world cultures has its own traditions of living space design, aimed at creating maximum comfort and convenience. The use of such traditions can help create the atmosphere that will be most conducive to well-being. The last decades gaining popularity of the Japanese teaching on the device of interiors - feng shui. It takes into account all the nuances - and the location of objects on the cardinal points, and their color.

The color solution for the bedroom in the teaching of feng shui has its own characteristics.

  • The bedroom facing the East and Southeast should be combined in a combination of green and brown.
  • The bedroom, whose windows are oriented to the South- or North-West, is painted in brown and dark yellow tones.
  • The southern windows in the bedroom oblige to choose as the main red or its shades.
  • The bedroom with windows to the North is painted in shades of blue.
  • If the windows look to the West or North-West - the bedroom is painted white.

Color effect

The choice of color for the bedroom has a significant impact on its influence on the human nervous system, therefore this issue should be considered in detail.

  • Red

This is a very energetic color, it is associated with the lower, physical chakra responsible for the continuation of the race. It is associated with sexual activity, and contributes to its manifestations. Therefore, it is necessary to use red color in the bedroom very moderately, a large amount of it can be irritating and tiring.

The predominance of red in the room can raise the pressure, increase the respiratory rhythm and heartbeat. Red in the bedroom is suitable for enhancing and preserving the passion of the spouses, but it should not be much, it is better to use calm red shades.

  • Orange

A more suitable color for the bedroom is orange. It is a warm color that promotes relaxation, especially if it is diluted with white. Orange is the color of the second chakra, associated with pleasure. The most pleasing to the eyes and nervous system - peach shade.

  • Yellow

The color of the third chakra, responsible for self-esteem and self-awareness in society. Warm, clear color, contributing to the harmonization of the nervous system. It has a slight stimulating effect.

  • Green

The color of the heart chakra, associated with tenderness, love, maternal warmth. This is the color most useful to the eyes, allowing them to reduce fatigue. The nervous system calms down, blood pressure decreases, heart rate decreases.

Green is considered one of the most favorable colors for rest and relaxation, while natural, soft shades would be the best choice: olive, green-gray, marsh. Too much green can inhibit nervous activity, so it must be diluted with other tones.

  • Blue and cyan

If you are in doubt whether you can choose the right color for the bedroom, choose blue or blue, the colors of the fifth and sixth chakras, which are responsible for spirituality. These shades are the best option - in the bedroom creates a feeling of peace, serenity, spaciousness, coolness.

The color of the sky and water is natural, has a positive effect on the mental state and is suitable for the interiors of any style. Keep in mind that there should be good lighting in the blue bedroom, it is also desirable that it faces south. White furniture will help to give the interior lightness and airiness.

  • Violet

The seventh, upper chakra is responsible for communication with the divine principle, and has a purple color. This is a complex color that requires caution in use. Particularly delicate should be treated with dark purple, able to inhibit the work of the nervous system. At the same time, light, whitened tones will help to create a sublime, slightly mystical atmosphere in the bedroom, and the combination with white will help to visually increase its volume.

  • White

Traditionally, this is the color of purity, infinity, innocence. It has absorbed the entire palette of colors, and has a refreshing effect on the nervous system. White helps to visually enlarge the room, to create a feeling of lightness, airiness.

Choosing a color solution for the bedroom, it is worth staying on white if the room is small. But you need to think about what color shade to use. White can be cold and warm. The first option is suitable for bedrooms with southern windows, the second - with the north.

  • Brown and beige

Natural shades of brown, including beige and sand, allow you to create a calm atmosphere, close to nature. Light beige tones are combined with any other, and can be a good background for both white and dark brown furniture. Brown shades cause a sense of security, reliability, thoroughness. Too dark tones of brown can oppress the psyche, so they must be supplemented with light shades.

Beige is the perfect choice of color for the bedroom, it will give comfort and peace. Complemented with a yellow-brown or gray-brown tone, beige will look very elegant. It can also be combined with other colors of your choice. The color of wenge wood can be attributed to this group of colors - it is a very dark brown shade of the African tree, sometimes almost black. Often the furniture in the bedroom is made of wenge wood, which looks very advantageous on a beige background.

  • Gray

Contrary to popular belief, gray is also a suitable color for a bedroom. It is absolutely neutral, which allows you to combine it with any other colors and shades.

Adding white or black tones changes the saturation of gray, so that even a monochrome bedroom will not seem boring, and, besides this, it provides ample opportunities for visual correction of room defects - those parts of the walls or ceiling that need to be removed are painted in light gray and those that need to be brought closer - in the dark.

Adding color accessories can change the mood of a gray bedroom very quickly and without great expense, and even its temperature: warm tones will bring a feeling of warmth, cold tones will make it cool.

Recommendations for creating color solutions bedrooms

Choosing the colors that you will use, you need to imagine the interior as a whole, and how this particular color fits into it.

  • Furniture, decoration materials, textiles, decorative elements - the colors of all objects in the room should be harmoniously combined.
  • Neutral tones of furniture and accessories will simplify the creation of a harmonious interior.
  • It is recommended to choose a color for the bedroom from a natural color palette - green, beige, brown, orange. This will help create a relaxed, relaxing atmosphere.
  • In small rooms, use light colors as the main ones, and in larger rooms, more saturated, darker ones. To "raise" low ceilings, use a pattern of vertical stripes on the wallpaper.
  • The color of the walls depends not only on the chosen tone, but also on the texture of the surface on which it is applied. Sometimes it is enough to change the texture to get the desired shade.

If you have any difficulties with the choice of colors for the bedroom, contact the designers who can help you create a comfortable and elegant interior.

Watch the video: 11 Small Bedroom Ideas to Make Your Room More Spacious (April 2024).

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