Eggshell decor

Eggshell decor is one of the most simple types of decoration. With it, the surface acquire a mosaic texture, and paint will help to depict the original drawings. Eggshell is adorned with bottles, flower pots, candle holders, cans, vases and even furniture. The material is combined with pasta, cereals, salt and accessories. With this type of decoration any beginner can handle. He does not require any special skills or special tools, and the main material for creativity can be found in every home, because waste from eggs usually goes immediately to the trash can. We will get acquainted with a couple of master classes and draw some simple but original ideas.

How to prepare the shell for needlework

To start, the shells are washed thoroughly in a soapy solution. As known on the surface of eggs, colonies of dangerous bacteria can flourish, so do not miss this important stage when working with material. Soap can be replaced with alcohol or other disinfectant liquid. Some prefer to boil the shell in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Heat treatment also perfectly disinfects the surface of each piece. During washing remove the film, which could remain. Then lay the shell on a piece of clean cloth or napkin and dry thoroughly. The finished material is crushed by swiping it several times with a rolling pin or glass bottle. There are several ways to attach the shell to the surface to be shaped:

  • In the first case, a layer of glue is applied to the pre-defatted glass, plastic or ceramic. It is “sprinkled” with crushed shells or “rolled” in them tara. Then use the sponge to press the resulting mosaic to the surface in order to fix it better.
  • For another method, you will need tape. They glue the shells on it. A layer of glue is applied to the prepared surface, and tape is attached on top. Now you need to wait for the complete drying of the bonding agent, then remove the adhesive tape with a gentle movement.
  • The third way is perhaps the most time consuming. Glue is applied to the surface and “shell” fragments are attached to it manually, one by one. The process will take a lot of time, but the pattern will not turn out random, but will correspond to the idea of ​​the author.

It is not at all important what color the shell will be; in the majority of decoration “recipes” it is subsequently painted over.

Flower pot decoration

Flower pot decor is available in two versions:

  • Full surface coating with a shell;
  • Partial application of the pieces.

For a start, the pot is pre-cleaned of dirt and dried. For full coverage, its entire surface is coated with glue. Then attach the shells. After drying, put a layer of paint on top. It is better to use acrylic or tempera, as they are better placed on the surface, they are not afraid of water and burn out more slowly. On the dried out layer of paint, you can apply another one through a figured stencil or create a drawing yourself. Fix the layer with varnish. For partial decoration, the pot is pre-painted in the desired color, and glue is applied only to those areas where they plan to place the shells. Most often, horizontal stripes of different widths or primitive geometric patterns are made of them. The pieces are glued to the surface of the pot, let them dry out, now the original decoration of the window sill is ready.

On the flower pots organically look "vegetable" drawings: blooming buds, maple leaves, bouquets.


Decoration options glass containers

The technique of applying the shell on the surface of cans, vases and bottles is no different from the design of other ceramic and glass objects. Some prefer to give pieces the desired color ahead of time. For these purposes, they are placed in a container with a dye and allowed to dry. To fix it, the shells already glued to the bottle or jar are additionally varnished. Such a step is resorted to in cases where the natural color of the material does not harmonize with the overall composition, and the paint cannot be applied on top, as the decor becomes the final chord in the work. Vases are additionally glued with voluminous satin flowers, felt bud buds, bows, beads and lace. On the surfaces of the "kitchen" jars for spices it will be appropriate to look painted pasta of interesting shapes, coffee beans in combination with the shell. In the decor of the bottles add rows of twine, which is wrapped container. On the surface, you can also stick real spikelets or blades of grass, which are covered with paint on top.


Flat decoration

In the design of the plates and coasters under the saucers, the eggshell will act as a background on which a drawing is subsequently applied. If you do not own a brush, then stencils and napkins for decoupage will come to the rescue. The shell can be glued to the entire surface of the plate, randomly fill it with some of its parts or make only a border. A combination of textures is also used, when one area is filled with a shell, and the other with small beads, grits (buckwheat, rice) or salt. The technique of partial volumetric visualization looks originally: a certain element in the picture goes beyond it. For example, in a rural landscape with a cozy house, the fence is made of wood and glued to the surface of the saucer over the image. In “natural” paintings, real blades of grass, twigs, cones, leaves, or dried flowers are glued to the surface.

If the surface of the stand or plate decorates the urban landscape, the shell painted in gray will be an excellent imitation of stone pavement.


Eggshell Furniture Decor

Decoration of furniture with shells is usually carried out partially. “Solid” embossed background on large surfaces may lose its flavor a little. However, this material perfectly imitates snake skin. Natural decoration of furniture is fabulous money, so the shell - the option to create an original decoration, which at first glance will be indistinguishable from the original. The process of registration may be delayed due to the specific processing of the base material. Each piece of the shell will have to be processed separately. This will require tweezers that manually bite off extra millimeters from the edges in order to give them a repetitive skin characteristic of a rounded shape. It will also take a long time to glue the shells, since in this case the degree of similarity with the original depends on their location. Tones of dyes are selected in accordance with the natural tone of the skin of the reptile. First, a light shade is applied to the entire surface and allowed to dry completely. Then on each "scale" drip a darker color. Egg shell decorate any surface: from traditional wood to plastic. The shelves, cabinet fronts, coffee tables and lamp stands stand in an original way.

Decoupage and shell

Both of these techniques are organically combined. There are two ways to combine:

  • A part of a napkin with a picture is glued onto a pre-primed surface. For this, ordinary PVA glue works best. After the image dries, a layer of bonding agent is applied around it, on which the shells will hold. For reliability, they are pressed with a toothpick or sponge. After the surface dries again, it is painted.
  • First, the shells are glued to the glass or plastic. After drying, the relief surface of the ground sponge twice. Go through several times to carefully paint over all the gaps. After drying in the decoupage technique transfer the picture.


The result is almost the same, the only difference is in the sequence of steps for decorating the surface. You can decorate in this way everything that your heart desires: plates, photo frames, pots, jewelry boxes, jars, mirrors, plastic and glass bottles.



Egg is an affordable material that is easy to process. Despite the deceptive fragility, the shell, cemented by glue, will retain its appearance for many years. Objects decorated with this material can be not only made to decorate your own home, but also presented to friends. Given the ever-increasing popularity of handmade items, such an element will become a stylish gift. In addition, he will show how expensive the donor is to the donor, since he was not lazy and spent so much time and effort on creating this craft with his own hands.


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